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Work smarter at EbeneGate Mauritius

An international managed service company

Welcome to EbeneGate

We're an international managed service company proud to support more than 182,000 customers around the world.

Our home has been in Ebene Cyber City since 2016 but our headquarters are in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.

We specialise in debt management and provide customers wit expertise including customer service, quality, compliance, finance and legal services.

We have a dynamic and enthusiastic team of over 200 people happily working with us and are always seeking fresh talent to join our team.

Positive work environment

We're committed to providing a positive working environment and that beings begins with a collaborative foundation based on the following approach:

1. Prioritise onboarding and training
2. Create a comfortable work environment
3. Conduct regular check-ins
4. Encourage collaboration and communication
5. Develop a strong workplace culture
6. Facilitate opportunities for learning

Work smarter

At EBENEGATE we have a clear strategy that allows us to prioritise our most important activities so we end each productive day feeling satisfied rather than overwhelmed, overcommitted, frustrated and overworked.

An open door policy help all our staff to approach any one for help or discuss issues or how we can improve on something

At the edge of technology

Today’s employees want a work experience similar to their lifestyles: online, on-demand, and anywhere.

A great employee experience, in the office and at home is a win-win- employees are happier and more productive.

We are constantly innovating and developing new ways to deliver a better employee experience.

Work hard, play hard

We don't just work at EBENEGATE we have fun at the same time. Benefits of working with us include:

• Music on the floor
• Staff wellness
• Pension scheme
• State of the art office
• Indoor/outdoor games competitions


What our employees say about us..